The 6Phases Engineering will contribute to the Client Company staff by filling the gaps where there is a lack of the talent position in place or require supplement on.
Business Development Phase is when the Client Company is on task to secure a project win from their clients. For the case of the Client Owners/ Operators of Facilities, it is the gaining of technical confidence during acquisition of a major asset.
It is advantageous to have Engineers that are very experienced to increase the chance of a successful sales closure and increase confidence of acquiring viable and valuable assets. We will provide the Process/ Facilities Engineering expertise to fill the gaps of the client’s organizational tasks during acquisition of assets or winning of engineering projects.
Our Goals are achieved with the following:
- Helped built the Client’s Reputation.
- Filled the Gaps of the Client’s Organizational Tasks.
- Helped win projects for the Client.
- Helped with Development of Projects.
- Provided Consultation to Site Operations/ Owners.